681.2 GUP 87992 87993 87994 87995 87996 87997 87998 87999 88000 88001 88002 88003 88004 88005 88006 88007 88008 88009 88010 88011 88012 88013 88014 88015 88016 88017 88018 88019 88020 88021 88022 88023 88024 88025 88026
Gupta , Sanjay Virtual instrumentation using labVIEW: principles and practices of graphical programming / by Sanjay Gupta and Joseph John. - 2nd ed.. - New Delhi : Tata McGraw Hill, 2010 xx, 220p., ill Includes index 9780070700284 Rs. 645.00 * Electrical and instrumentation engineering * John, Joseph * Title
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